GF+SIGNET转子流量传感器 美国GF signet3-2536-P0GF+SIGNET流量探头 2536转子流量传感器 美国GF signet3-2536-P0 3-2536-P1 3-2536-P2 3-2536-T0 3-2536-V0 3-2536-V1的详细信息兰色帽子区分 3-2536技术参数:
详细英文介绍 2536 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow SensorsSimple to install with time-honoured reliable performance, Signet 2536 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensors are highly repeatable, rugged sensors that offer exceptional value with little or no maintenance. The Model 2536 has a process-ready open collector signal with a wide dynamic flow range of 0.1 to 6 m/s (0.3 to 20 ft/s). The sensor measures liquid flow rates in full pipes and can be used in low pressure systems. The Signet 2536 sensors are offered in a variety of materials for a wide range of pipe sizes and insertion configurations. The many material choices including PP and PVDF make this model highly versatile and chemically compatible with many liquid process solutions. Sensors can be installed in DN15 to DN900 (½ to 36 in.) pipes using Signet's comprehensive line of custom fittings. These custom fittings, which include tees, saddles, and weldolets, seat the sensor to the proper insertion depth into the process flow. The sensors are also offered in configurations for wet-tap installation requirements. Online Catalog Fields of Application:
- 气动弹簧
- 广水全程综合水处理器价格
- 减温减压装置
- 脉冲快开反吹阀
- 鹰潭全自动全程水处理器批发
- 衬氟管件、弯头、补偿器
- 阀门碟形弹簧
- 赫尔纳-供应德国heimann真空传感器HVS
- 衬氟塑料气动波纹管调节阀
- 武穴综合水处理器价格
- 晋江供水设备厂家生产油水分离器
- 大石桥全自动全程水处理器效果
- 球阀弹簧
- 牡丹江循环水全程水处理器生产厂家
- 阀门扭转弹簧
- 赫尔纳-代理供应西班牙ESCUBEDO端子8541.01
- 阀门高温弹簧
- 琼山多相式全程综合水处理器原理
- 阀门波形弹簧
- 罗源鱼池喷泉水泵-福建格莱富
- 攀枝花全程综合水处理器规格
- SG9000活塞式水锤吸纳器
- 手持式土壤重金属分析仪
- 便携式防洪抢险泵轴流泵-新罗